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Selected Festal Hymns
of the Trinity-St. Sergius Laura

Melodiya MEL CD 10 00662
1.The Laura's Bell-Ringing and Procession - 0.42
2.The Easter Beginning (Moscow time) - 5.30
3.The Easter Canon (Moscow tune of the Kiev chant) - 4.26
4.The Collect-Hymn of Easter (Tune of the Trinity-St. Sergius Laura) - 2.30
5.The Ikos of Easter (Valaam tune) - 2.30
6.The Angel Cried "Shine, Shine" (N.Makarov) - 2.06
7.The Exapostilarion of Easter (Greek chant) - 2.03
8.The Canticles of Easter (Tune of the Zosima hermitary) - 5.14
9.Christ is Risen (A.Kastalsky) - 1.57
10.Come, O Ye People, Let Us Worship the Godhead - 2.59
11.The Great Litany - 3.29
12.Dogmatik, the 7th tone (Znamenny chant) - 2.00
13.The Great Gradual: What God Is So Great As Our Good - 2.27
14.The Stanza for the Assumption of the Most Holy Birth-Given of God - 2.18
15.Lord, Now Lettest Thou (Demestvenny chant) - 3.09
16.Praise Ye The Name of the Lord - 3.07
17.The Exaltation of Pentecost (Znamenny chant) - 1.51
18.The Assembly of the Angels (Znamenny chant) - 8.34
19.In That We Have Beheld the Ressurection of Christ (Kiev chant) - 2.57
20.Chosen by the Lord of Hosts (Hieromonk Nafanail) - 1.48
21.A Prayer to St.Sergius (S.Zubachevsky) - 5.41
22.An Exaltation to St.Sergius (Putevoi chant) - 1.48
23.The Lord is My Light (A.Nikolsky) - 4.41
24.Many Years (Tune of the St.Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod) - 2.32
Please check the picture for the list of music.
Choir of the Trinity - St. Sergius Laura and the Moscow Theological Academy.
Conductor Archimandrite Matthew
Recorded in 1978. This CD is produced by famous Russian Melodiya records company. Nice addition to your collection of classical music.

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